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Английский Этимологический словарь - crush


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- 14c., from O.Fr. croisir "to gnash (teeth), crash, break," perhaps from Frank. *krostjan "to gnash." Sense of "infatuation" is first recorded 1895; to have a crush on is from 1913.
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См. в других словарях

  ~1 v 1 to press something so hard that it breaks or is damaged  (His leg was crushed in the accident. | be crushed to death (=die by being crushed))  (Two people were crushed to death in the rush to escape.) 2 to press something in order to break it into very small pieces, or into a powder  (Crush two cloves of garlic.) 3 crush a rebellion/uprising/revolt etc to use severe methods to stop people from fighting you or opposing you  (The revolution was crushed within days.) 4 crush sb's hopes/enthusiasm/confidence etc to make someone lose all hope, confidence etc 5 to make someone feel extremely upset or shocked  (Sara was crushed by their insults.) crush up phr v BrE informal if people crush up, they fit into a small space by moving closer to each other  ("Is there room for one more in your car?" "Yes, but you'll have to crush up.") ~2 n 1 a crowd of people pressed so close together that it is difficult for them to move  (There's always such a crush on the train in the mornings.) 2 an uncontrollable feeling of love for someone, especially that a young person has for someone older  (have a crush on)  (Did you have a crush on one of your teachers when you were at school?) 3 orange/lemon etc crush a drink made by crushing the juice out of a fruit ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
  (crushes, crushing, crushed) 1. To crush something means to press it very hard so that its shape is destroyed or so that it breaks into pieces. Andrew crushed his empty can... Peel and crush the garlic. ...crushed ice. VERB: V n, V n, V-ed 2. To crush a protest or movement, or a group of opponents, means to defeat it completely, usually by force. The military operation was the first step in a plan to crush the uprising. VERB: V n • crushing ...the violent crushing of anti-government demonstrations. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 3. If you are crushed by something, it upsets you a great deal. Listen to criticism but don’t be crushed by it. = devastate VERB: usu passive, be V-ed 4. If you are crushed against someone or something, you are pushed or pressed against them. We were at the front, crushed against the stage. VERB: usu passive, be V-ed prep 5. A crush is a crowd of people close together, in which it is difficult to move. Franklin and his thirteen-year-old son somehow got separated in the crush... N-COUNT: usu sing 6. If you have a crush on someone, you are in love with them but do not have a relationship with them. (INFORMAL) She had a crush on you, you know... N-COUNT: usu N on n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English crusshen, from Anglo-French croissir, croistre, of Germanic origin; akin to Middle Low German krossen to ~  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to squeeze or force by pressure so as to alter or destroy structure ~ grapes  b. to squeeze together into a mass  2. hug, embrace  3. to reduce to particles by pounding or grinding ~ rock  4.  a. to suppress or overwhelm as if by pressure or weight  b. to oppress or burden grievously ~ed by debt  c. to subdue completely the rebellion was ~ed  5. crowd, push were ~ed into the elevator  6. archaic drink  intransitive verb  1. obsolete crash  2. to become ~ed  3. to advance with or as if with ~ing  • ~able adjective  • ~er noun  • ~ingly adverb  II. noun  Date: 1599  1. an act of ~ing  2. the quantity of material ~ed  3.  a. a crowding together (as of people)  b. crowd, mob; especially a crowd of people pressing against one another  4. an intense and usually passing infatuation have a ~ on someone; also the object of infatuation  Synonyms: see crowd  • ~proof adjective ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v.tr. 1 compress with force or violence, so as to break, bruise, etc. 2 reduce to powder by pressure. 3 crease or crumple by rough handling. 4 defeat or subdue completely (crushed by my reply). --n. 1 an act of crushing. 2 a crowded mass of people. 3 a drink made from the juice of crushed fruit. 4 colloq. a (usu. foll. by on) a (usu. passing) infatuation. b the object of an infatuation (who's the latest crush?). Phrases and idioms crush bar a place in a theatre for audiences to buy drinks in the intervals. crush barrier a barrier, esp. a temporary one, for restraining a crowd. Derivatives crushable adj. crusher n. crushingly adv. Etymology: ME f. AF crussir, corussier, OF croissir, cruissir, gnash (teeth), crack, f. Rmc ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) дробление; измельчение; раздавливание; обрушение дробить; измельчать; раздавливать; обрушать(ся) 2) метал. земляная раковина (из-за обвала формы) - bearing crush - black crush ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
  1) смятие; раздавливание; разрушение сминать; раздавливать; разрушать 2) дробление; измельчение дробить; измельчать to crush a nut — сминать грани гайки to crush asbestos — распушивать асбест to crush chips — дробить стружку to crush in a mold — обжимать литейную форму to crush the brick — пускать кирпич на бой to crush to powder — измельчать в порошок ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. гл. подавлять, уничтожать 2. сущ. крах, крушение ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  дробить; толочь; измельчать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. раздавливание; смятие; дробление 2. фруктовый сок 3. давка, толкотня 4. разг. собрание, большое общество; прием 5. отряд 6. разг. сильное увлечение to have a crush on smb. —- очень увлечься кем-л., потерять голову из-за кого-л. 7. ирон. предмет обожания 8. давить, дробить, толочь to crush grapes —- давить виноград the man was crushed to death by car —- машина задавила человека насмерть 9. мять the dress are badly crushed —- платья сильно помяты he crushed the letter —- он скомкал письмо 10. мяться this material crushes easily —- этот материал легко мнется 11. подавлять; сокрушать to crush a revolt —- подавить восстание our hopes have been crushed —- наши надежды рухнули he was quite crushed by all these misfortunes —- он был совершенно подавлен этими неудачами 12. протискиваться, втискиваться they all tried to crush into the front seats —- все они старались пробраться на передние места they all crushed into the small room —- все они втиснулись в небольшую комнату 13. втискивать, впихивать we can't crush any more people into the hall —- в этот зал невозможно втиснуть больше народу 14. протискиваться, силой пробиваться the people crushed through the gates as soon as they were opened —- публика ринулась в ворота, как только они открылись to crush a passage though wire —- воен. проделать проход в проволочных заграждениях 15. разг. дать отпор;...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  in повредить, ранить The heavy steel beam fell, crushing the workmans head in. The car door was crushed in during the accident. CRUSH out  а) подавить Much of her youthful spirit had been crushed out of her by the terrible conditions which she had to suffer.  б) выдавить Use this kitchen machine to crush the juice out (of the oranges) instead of pressing the fruit by hand. CRUSH  1. noun  1) раздавливание, дробление и пр. [см. crush  2. ]  2) фруктовый сок  3) давка; толкотня  4) coll. шумное собрание, большое сборище  5) прием (гостей)  6) coll. увлечение, пылкая любовь to have (got) a crush on smb. - сильно увлечься кем-л. Syn: see love  2. v.  1) (раз)давить - crush in  2) выжимать, давить (виноград)  3) дробить, толочь, размельчать (into) This machine is made to crush the rock into powder.  4) втискивать(ся) (тж. crushin) When the gates of the ground were opened, crowds of football supporters crushed in. Its impossible to crush in any more football supporters, the ground is already full.  5) мять(ся)  6) уничтожать, подавлять, сокрушать - crush down - crush out - crush up to crush a bottle of wine - выпить, раздавить бутылку (вина) Syn: see break CRUSH up размельчить, растолочь, смять This machine crushes the rock up so that it can be used for road building. CRUSH down  а) смять; придавить If you walk in the farmers field, be careful not to crush down any growing crops.  б) раздробить This machine crushes the rock down so that it can be used for road building.  в) подавить (восстание, оппозицию) The cruel king crushed down any sign of opposition from the people. The council has promised to crush down criminal activity in the city....
Англо-русский словарь


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